
Construction Fence Signage

Author: Cynthia Nutwell

We’ve all walked past a construction site and peeked through the fence out of curiosity, trying to see what type of architectural marvel we can expect to spring up next.  While you may have been preoccupied with what was going on behind the scenes, you may have also noticed the variety of signs hanging along the fence. Fencing can also serve as a blank canvas for communicating important notices through strategic signage and graphics.  By elevating the signage to inform, engage and direct, the possibilities are endless!


Signage aimed at the protection of the public as well as workers in the construction site is essential to avoid any unwanted accidents at your jobsite. Reducing the amount of risk to your workers, management staff, vendors and contractors should be of utmost priority and proper safety signage could significantly reduce the threat of these situations.

  • Required Safety Gear– Remind workers and visitors that no one should enter the premises without the proper safety gear. This equipment includes hard hats, high visibility vests, eye protection, proper footwear and gloves.
  • Authorized Personnel – Inform the community that a construction site has no room for troublesome trespassers and those violators will be prosecuted.
  • Danger – Signage pointing out potential hazards will protect visitors, workers and the general public from things like falling materials, workers overhead, open pits and other perilous areas to avoid.

A BMW site has a safety sign hung on a fence


On construction fencing, signage can also provide a form of navigation for visitors and workers looking for points of entrance, parking and onsite offices.   Directional signage will keep things organized and running smoothly at your jobsite while also keeping people out of restricted areas. These signs reduce a visitor’s frustration when attempting to navigate through an unfamiliar place.

  • Entrance/ Exit-- Placing a sign at both the entrance and the exit of your jobsite will ensure that vendors, visitors and workers are using the appropriate routes in and out of the area safely, avoiding traffic, accidents or confusion with deliveries.
  • First Aid Station– In the unfortunate event of accidents, you will want to have a sign pointing to the location of the first aid station so injuries can be treated as soon as possible. 
  • Site Office– Point your visitors to the site office in order to sign in and prevent any unapproved visitors from wandering through your jobsite.  


Notices keep workers, vendors, visitors and the general public updated on licensing, ongoing project management and basic information about your project. Notice signage can also serve to lessen the amount of commotion surrounding the length of time your project is taking, sidewalk or road closures and other inconveniences to the community.

  • Closed Areas– A sign to notify that certain areas are closed is crucial to maintaining your site’s security. If you close a sidewalk or walkway outside of your site, having a visible sign is vital for safety and appreciated by commuters that may use that sidewalk.
  • Duration– Address the duration of the project, if you can. This is helpful to those that may be somewhat inconvenienced by constant hammering or restricted walkway use.
  • Project Information – What are you building? People want to know. A sign describing the project could go a long way in addressing the public’s curiosity in the construction.


Your fencing signage also provides an opportunity for advertisement. Bring communications to life in an effort to create an identity for brands using bright visuals and captivating keywords. Vendors or sub-contractors can have the opportunity to receive credit for their work and businesses will have the opportunity to post paid advertisements.

  • Environmental Notice– Are you reducing your carbon footprint or constructing a sustainable building? Tell us! People appreciate any attempt at eco-friendly endeavors.
  • Credit– Post the names of contractors and vendors working on the project to give them the recognition and exposure you think they deserve.
  • Paid advertisements– Let local businesses know that your fence is open to paid signage featuring their product or service. This is a great opportunity to generate an additional revenue stream.

Whether you’re addressing concerns, providing protection, advertising businesses or giving notice, construction signage on fencing is a great way to get the word out there. While there may be some restrictions, make an effort to make your signage eye-catching, helpful and informative.