Congratulations to FASTSIGNS International CEO Catherine Monson for being named one of the Top 24 Women in Franchising featured in the latest issue of Franchise Update magazine. This is the magazine’s first ever “Women at the Top” special issue highlighting successful female franchise leaders. The 24 presidents and CEOs featured dominate the industry with outstanding leadership skills and have achieved some of the highest system-wide sales in franchising. Collectively, these top 24 women executives oversee more than 17,000 units and $16 billion in annual system-wide revenue.
Looking at women-led brands, Catherine Monson of FASTSIGNS International was ranked no. 12 based on system-wide revenue. Catherine has been CEO of FASTSIGNS for five years and has more than 20 years of franchising experience in all aspects of business including operations, franchise development, sales, training and marketing/communications.
“I admire leadership regardless of gender,” Catherine stated when asked about the leaders she admired.
“It has been my practice, since first getting into business, to seek out successful leaders and learn from them. Sometimes it is a mentee role, other times in listening to them speak or reading their books. Pushing myself to develop the qualities of successful leaders has helped me achieve the position I am in today.”
Read Catherine’s full profile in Franchise Update’s magazine here: (Her profile begins on page 29 and continues on page 43.)
Congratulations Catherine!